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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Bihar Elections 2010: A view from sideline

A history has been created with a massive win by the NDA Alliance in Bihar in the current state assembly Elections 2010. Getting a more than Three-Fourth majority was not an easy task though everyone was expecting NDA to come to the power for the second term, BUT with this scale, probably even Its party leaders too would not have estimated. It has witnessed a second largest landslide victory in the history of Indian democracy after 1984 National Elections where Rajeev Gandhi had a remarkable win due to absence of any formidable opposition. The results in itself shows the maturity of the Bihar Voters who has come out of caste-creed politics which was prevailed for almost 3 decades in Bihar. The people of Bihar has voted for development and with this win their expectations has gone much much higher than It was 5 years ago when Nitish Kumar Came to the power for the first time.
There were certain fascinating statistics as far as this election is concerned. For the first time in Bihar election history, Women had come out in large numbers to cast their votes in this election. Not only that they (52%) have left men (50%) behind in percentage term for the number of votes casted. It is a very good sign for the future of Bihar where women are getting their voice. It will help towards women empowerment and self development in the state in coming time. There has been many scheme and initiatives for women on the ground and It has replicated into votes in the favor of Nitish Kumar. Not only state has witnessed a second best growth rate of over 11% after Gujrat in last 5 years of Nitish period but also it has also witnessed the highest number of girls child enrollment in the history of Bihar at schools. Be It Free school dress to all the children getting the enrollment, Mid-day meal or free bicycle for all the boys and girls enrolling in class 8th onwards. It has also added a huge number of classrooms and schools for better education and living for the children of Bihar. All these have motivated people in general to send their kids to school. All this has provided the people of Bihar a hope that this progress and good work can be retained and given a second change even this can be made better.
Lets recall about some of the facts on which the Nitish and company has fought this election. There was a issue of Caste vs Development before the elections but I am afraid how can you fight an election on this basis where these two should not be even compared. RJD & LJP alliance fell in trap of brand “Nitish” and his development work done during last 5 years. Do not forget, Bihar had witnessed a lawlessness state of situation for 15 years and things were never easy for Nitish Kumar. Having said that the commitment shown by the chief Minister is of immense appreciation. In last 5 years, Bihar has seen as many as 1500 bridges along with hundreds of kilometers of roads being build (literally build as there were hardly any road left in most part of the state). Also we must not forget the efforts and initiatives to bring law and order in place. This is something Bihar will cherish for a long time.
With this kind of mandate, the path ahead will not be easy either. The expectation and hope from the people of state is immense and It will require ever greater effort and commitment to come to the terms in next 5 years. We have witnessed the development in certain areas but still there is a lot left to do in the state. Three major challenges that Nitish Government has to tackle is corruption, Power and Investment in different sectors including industry, education and healthcare. But with the kind of commitment and track record, It may seem extreme difficult but It will not leave any stone unturned to reach there. What he has done was like an impossible task when he resumed office in 2005 so we hope that Bihar again will have a bright future with the brand Nitish Kumar.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Importance of NITISH Kumar

The above title of this blog is inspired by the editorial by Sanjay Baru in Business Standard dated 15th Nov 2010. I have been a great fan of his writing since I have read his debut book “Strategic Consequences of India's Economic Performance” last year. He is very clinical in the article that he has written in the newspaper. I am going to put my views on the same topic.
As I have mentioned in my previous blog that It is highly likely that Nitish Kumar should return to power with 2nd term on 24th of this month. If it happens so, It will be just the 3rd occasion that Bihar people will be electing any Government for the second term after Sri Krishna singh in 1952 and Sri Laloo Prasad Yadav in 1995.However, We must underline the fact that times has been different at all these three era of politics. Probably the factors working in favor of Laloo at some point of time has been completely evaporated and his caste-creed politics has taken a back sheet in the current Assembly Elections. However, on the basis of this, you can not simply write-off Mr. Laloo until the evening of 24th when we have the results out.
Taking about the progress Bihar has made in last 5 years, One must acknowledge that It was never easy to even start with. Not only Mr. Kumar has achieved a phenomenal growth rate of more than 11%, only 2nd to Gujrat during the same period but also the law an order along with the governance has taken a positive move. There has been huge infrastructure work during the last 5 years with a total of 60,000 Crores being spent on many programs by the state government. To put some numbers, there was addition of few hundreds of kilometers of road and as many as 1500 bridges during last 5 years. In addition to this, Bihar has got many flyovers in different town that was a distant dream till few years back. So, Bihar is making a progress BUT the question is whether the rate is adequate? The second term for Nitish Kumar will provide another opportunity to clean up rest of the issues and improve upon many of the things that is still to be resolved including, public transport, bureaucracy, health care and most importantly higher education and industry as a whole.
There are 9 million people in Bihar, that is almost 9% of total population of the country. If Mr. Kumar is able to lift the state of living of these many people, It will also help the country as a whole. Do not forget, the determination with which he has completed his last 5 years, and He must be ready to take up the challenges ahead so that He can make Bihar a better place and a better name on the Indian map. Last few months since the elections has been kicked off, I have noticed that media too is taking these elections very closely, covering many minute details of the elections and having special programs dedicated to Bihar elections. Indeed, This would be trendsetter elections for the coming years where the people of Bihar will decide which is more important to them, Development or caste? This has been a vital question for everyone in the recent past.
As the time for 24th of Nov is inching closer, anxiety is getting build up regarding the results but having said that, I must underline the fact that whosoever comes to the power (I still strongly believe that Nitish Kumar should get a second term for sure), It will be a different kind of governance and political outlook in Bihar going forward. Looking forward towards the final verdict with a lot of hope and optimism in heart and mind form the next government. Its never too late to start a fresh for new Bihar so Lets begin one again from stretch.
